Below are our standard call rates towards most popular destinations. To receive an accurate price plan be spoke to your personal needs, please contact our sales department.
Fixed numbers: 0,07 DKK/min Mobile numbers: 0,07 DKK/min
Fixed numbers: 0,05 DKK/min Mobile H3g: 0,12 DKK/min Mobile Lyca: 0,11DKK/min Mobile O2: 0,13DKK/min Mobile Orange: 0,13DKK/min Mobile Vodafone: 0,13DKK/min
Fixed numbers: 0,08 DKK/min Mobile Movistar: 0,19 DKK/min Mobile Orange: 0,19DKK/min Mobile Vodafone: 0,20DKK/min
Fixed numbers: 0,07 DKK/min Mobile E-plus: 0,20 DKK/min Mobile Vodafone: 0,17 DKK/min Mobile T-mobile: 0,21 DKK/min